100 % Results, creating historical benchmark by Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College Amreli
We proudly announce the 100 % pass by the final year students of Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College and take this moment to congratulate them wholeheartedly
We proudly announce the 100 % pass by the final year students of Netra Chikitsa Ayurveda College and take this moment to congratulate them wholeheartedly
For the third consecutive year Netra Chikitsa Ayurved College Amreli bagged rank in the Gujarat Ayurved University BAMS examinations. Zarna Thakar was awarded the third rank in the third year…
The celebration of Independence day started with the flag hoisting ceremony by Dr Neet and followed by addressal speech by the In charge Principal Dr Pown Kumar and event organized…
The day was celebrated with utmost and joy and gratitude to the great acharya with charak oath organised by the Department of Samhita and Siddanta
In association with the Breast feeding awareness campaign, an invited talk was conducted to the students by Dr Nitin Trivedi and Dr Parag Dagli
Mass yoga, competition and rally was conducted in association with the yoga day celebration
The Garbhasanskar organized by the Prasuti streeroga department , was conducted on June 14 under the guidance of Dr Gandhali and Dr Sheela, with Dr Chetana Murarkar from Netra Chikitsa…
Webinar by the Department of Kaumarabhrithya. Topic: Infant feeding and Nutrition Resource person: Dr Thushar TS, Assistant professor, Kaumarabhrithya, PNPS Ayurveda Medical College,Kanjahad Kerala