The Netra Chikitsa Ayurved College and Hospital campus witnessed one of the most vibrant days ever in its history on 15th of August 2022. The celebration of the 76th Independence day was splendid by activities and programmes organized by the NSS Department of Netra Chikitsa Ayurved College.
The scheduled programmes were conducted in time by the cooperation of the students and faculties. The plan was executed and lead by Dr Pown Kumar along with the students. The third year students took the responsibility of organizing the whole day and it was done very efficiently.
The Flag hoisting was done by Dr Sivanand Biradar , Reader of Rasasastra and Bhaishjyakalapana. It was followed by speeches and performance from faculties and students respectively. The invited talk by Vaidya Mahendra Sarvaiya of Ashtanga Ayurved Dhaam was a highlight. On the occassion plantation programme was conducted at the herbal garden of Netra Chikitsa Ayurved College.
Speech competition and National anthem competition and other cultural events inspiring nationalism and patriotism was conducted as the part of the celebration

Dr Sivanand Biradar delivering the Independence day note after the flag hoisting